Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's kind of a big deal...

Since birth Baxlyn has alwayyyyss been the leader of the pack, the do everything first, let me show you how it's done kind of girl. She was first off the ventilator, first to feed, first to sit up, crawl, walk and talk. Today she lead by example, once again, by GOING POTTY ON THE POTTY! We were at the pool, she asked to go, I took her, she tried and ended up tooting (girls toot, they do not fart, by the way) we celebrated her little toot and went back to swimming. We got back to the house she tried again and wa-la, she peed! Aunt Beth was quick to bring out the stickers to reward her and you can bet the other three were waiting in line to try to go themselves! None did, but made an effort :) We are not potty training right now and I wasn't planning on doing so until they were closer to three years old. After today, I'm wondering if we'll take on the challenge sooner (God help us!)?!?!

Here's my little princess of the potty! Forgive her awkward smile, she was trying her hardest at a thumbs up!


  1. Yeah Baxlyn!!!Good luck with the others :)

  2. GO for it while she's interested! Congrats! I only have 2 kids but getting them out of diapers was like getting a mini pay raise! :)

  3. You need to go for it now while they are showing interest! Much easier to train a willing 2 year old than a stubborn 3 year old, believe me!

  4. I love your blog! I started reading and before I knew it, my kids' naptime was over. I will be so interested in your potty training stories and tips. My trio are 16 months, but I already find myself getting nervous when I think about potty training!

  5. like to smell and taste her pussy,drink her warm pee.
