Friday, April 13, 2012

Prayers Appreciated

Today I ask that you keep a special couple in your prayers. Due to complications Mare and Reid were forced to deliver their quadruplets at around 25 weeks gestation last week. Unfortunately they have said goodbye to 3 of their precious baby girls. This family, more than ever, needs support and prayer right now as they deal with everything going on right now in their lives. I can only imagine the pain that comes with losing a child…much less multiple children. I’ve been in contact with Mare via email and have been following their journey through her blog and have learned she has unbelievable faith in God, His will and His plans for their lives. She, through her faith, has been an incredible inspiration for me and many others following their journey as well.

Please lift them up in prayer and stop by their blog to leave an encouraging comment if you’re led to. Although no words could possibly ease the pain they’re feeling, I know the support and kind words are much appreciated.


  1. Any update? Haven't seen one on their blog...

    1. Oops...I am following another set of quads and their blog hasn't been updated in a while...Emma's Quad Diary. Thought I heard about them from here.
