Monday, April 2, 2012

Soo… We’re Having A…


You read it right! Our sweet little number 5 (and only number 5) is scheduled to appear November 1st, 2012! If you’re a long time follower of ours you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I’ve always hoped for another baby in our future and well, by the grace of God, here we are!

I will assume everyone’s first question will be “were you trying?”. Yes, we were. A little background for those of you who don’t know I conceived Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin while on Clomid, an ovulation stimulant. Shortly after their delivery my doctor wanted to test me for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and to no surprise, he was right. PCOS explains the trouble I had getting pregnant the first time and could also cause me to have trouble getting pregnant in the future. Due to my PCOS my doctor put me on a medicine called Metformin (NOT considered a fertility drug) in October in hopes that it alone would help my cycle regulate giving me a shot of getting pregnant on my own. He said it typically takes about 3 months for your body to adjust and I should be good to go in January. Bret and I went into this process with the attitude that we were going to TRY to have another baby. We didn’t quite expect it to happen this quickly!  I have complete faith in my doctor, but at the same time, I didn’t want to get my hopes up and almost expected to have trouble.

Lo and behold, February 25th I got my positive. My heart didn’t skip a beat,  I didn’t cry, I didn’t run out of the room to tell Bret, nothing. To be honest I laid eyes on that little faint line and my first thought was “A false positive. Ugh. What are the chances? I knew we shouldn’t have bought the cheapest test.” I calmly told Bret, he went to the store, bought several more tests and each one of them, positive. It couldn’t have been that easy, could it?

I made the phone call Monday morning to tell the ladies at my doctor’s office that I thought I might be pregnant. An early ultrasound showed nothing but the blood tests were done and indeed my HCG levels were where they needed to be and were rising as they should. Another follow up appointment, March 13th, I finally saw it, a little fluttering heartbeat! Finally, I let myself believe that there was a little someone inside of me!

So far I’ve felt pretty good. A little tired and a few sick days but overall a MUCH better start than I had with the quads. Dr. Leveno and his staff have been nothing short of amazing and have been super supportive in understanding that this single pregnancy is extremely foreign to me. With the quads I was seen just about weekly once I hit my second trimester so the thought of being seen just a fraction of that is a little scary. I can’t help but be a little anxious, as I’m sure many moms are early in pregnancy, but I’m trying to remember everything is in God’s hands. Some people never get to experience being pregnant and here, I get to twice. Bret and I feel super blessed and our prayer is that this pregnancy brings us a fat, healthy, full term baby!

Introducing our little number 5 (last week) at 9 weeks and 1 day!

sweet no 5

As always, your prayers are appreciated! We’ll keep you posted!

-Bret & Heather


  1. Congratulations! This baby will have some amazing brothers and sisters!

  2. So excited for you!! It is an AMAZING experience carrying "just one"!! : )

  3. We are SOOOOOOO EXCITED AND HAPPY!!! Praise GOD! He has blessed our family beyond measure! We will love this little child right along with our beautiful quads!! Love Nana

  4. NO WAY!!! Congratulations Cox family! WOW! Hoping for a long pregnancy!

  5. congratulations! babies are such a blessing! you are amazing for wanting more...i am struggling with my four little ones over here. wishing you the best of luck. hopefully we'll see you over in l&d, but not in the NICU. :)

  6. Yeah!!! So so so Happy for u!! Congrads, can't wait to read more. Keep us posted.

  7. Uncle Cwis and I are so excited! Y'all are awesome parents and I know that Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee and Korbin are going to be great big brothers and sisters! We LOVE y'all SOOOO much! :)

  8. That's incredible news, Heather! So excited for you all and will be praying!

  9. Wow! Having just one baby is going to feel like such a breeze for you seasoned pro parents! What a blessing for the family.

  10. Oh!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! I'm so happy and excited for you!!!

  11. How exciting!!!! We can't wait to meet this precious little one! Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee and Korbin are going to be such a big help! Love you all!! Aunt Beth AKA Sis

  12. Wishing you a long, boring pregnancy :) Congrats!!!

  13. Congratulations!!!!!!!

    Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you.
    You are going to have such great helpers.

  14. So happy i'm crying! Can't wait to hear how this "normal" pregnancy thing goes for you. You know those 5 kiddies of yours have 15 quad aunties behind them and their mama and papa. Love you guys SOOOOOO much!

  15. I am hoping they are following your progesterone levels closely. And Congrats!

    1. Good luck, you are going to need it. Four children wasn't enough. I hope you have time for a new baby.

  16. Congratulations! Will this baby carry on the K for girls/B for boys name?

  17. Congratulations!!! We're so happy for you!

  18. We couldn't be happier for you all!! This is so exciting! Can't wait to share this journey with you all. Thank you for being so generous to share with people like us. God bless the SEVEN of you! WOW! :) (((HUGS)))

  19. congratulations! long time reader and I couldn't be happier for you, your husband and the quads to be big siblings!

  20. CONGRATS!!!! I'm SO excited for you guys! Aaron, Megan, my mom, and I are absolutely thrilled!! Love to you all and prayers sent your way!

  21. So excited for you. We will be praying for a long and healthy pregnancy.
    Michelle and Benjamin

  22. This is so cool. I am very happy for you guys.

  23. The big smile on the quads face says it all.
    God has truly blessed you family.

  24. Congratulations! I will keep you in my prayers for a long healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby!

  25. Congratulations, Metformin is what I take for diabetes and works wonders. Looks like it did wonders for you too. Beth told me to check facebook when I text to see how everyone was in Texas this morning. Glad to hear everyone there is fine except for hail damage. God Bless your family and enjoy them all. Darrell's Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Jesse in Owasso, OK. Love you!

  26. WOW!!! My jaw literally dropped...and we have a business person here talking to my husband and son lol Congratulations to you and your expanding family!!!!!!

  27. Congrats!!!!! Such exciting news. Wishing you a healthy, happy 9 months. I'm a mom to GBB triplets, and must say, my last singleton pregnancy was such a wonderful blessing after the drama of a preterm multiple birth. Congrats to all of you!

  28. WOW! i have 22 month old triplets and i cant imagine a fourth! You are super woman!!! My hero!!! lol

  29. WOW!!! That is GREAT news! I have 5 children, Savannah(7), Will(5), Chloe(2), Ella(2), and Jacob(2 months; born March 8 2012). I am soooooo happy for you! Congratulations!
