Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baby Blade–2 months!

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My sweet love is a little over 2 months already! Crazy how quickly they grow. He’s continued to be a ray of sunshine in our busy household. He’s SUCH a happy baby and for that I am so thankful. Besides the challenge of getting out with all the kids by myself, adding a fifth hasn’t been hard at all. He loves to sit in his bouncy and watch his brothers and sisters play, he loves the ceiling fan,  his baths, LOVES to talk and interact with you and enjoys a little TV here and there (I know I know). We’re lucky he’s a great sleeper as well. He sleeps a total of about 10 hours each night with just one small feed around the 7th hour. Hopefully not too long before that last feed is out too!

My four little “helpers” (and I use that term loosely) and I took Blade to his 2 month check up yesterday. I was going to guess that he weighed around 13…mayyyybe close to 14lbs. To my surprise he was just a few ounces shy of 15lbs! The quads didn’t hit 15lbs until 6-8months! He falls in the 90th percentile for weight and at 24 1/4 inches he lands in the 77th percentile for height.

Bret and I had both noticed a little flattening on the back right side of Blade’s head and there’s no denying the fact that he likes to look to his right. As most of you know Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin went through their fair share of DOC bands so Bret and I didn’t know if we were “looking for a problem” because we are used to paying close attention to detail or if there really is a small issue that could be developing. I mentioned it to Dr. Reyes and he said there’s very small but definite flattening as well as a bit of torticollis going on. Grrr. For now we’ll do stretches with Blade, the ones we’re all to familiar with, and hope that it helps the torticollis. With continued encouragement  to look to his left and a little rolling over in the coming months we’ll hope that his little head rounds out and we’re not facing plagiocephaly like before. Worst case scenario, which really isn’t horrible, we visit our dear friends at Cranial Technologies in the coming months to be evaluated for a helmet.

L-R Brody, Korbin, Miss B & Kylee Mae!

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Stay Tuned…. Christmas 2012!!!

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