Monday, February 25, 2013

4 4 Year Olds & 1 4 Month Old!

We’ve been a busy crew lately with lots going on, I apologize for my lack of blogging over the past week but I assure you, good things are to come :) Our sweet Blade is FOUR months old now, just crazy! He’s officially passed that life-must-be-pretty-boring phase and is laughing all the time, reaching for toys, starting the transition into solid foods…etc. Busy baby for sure!

4 yr 4 mo 176

Blade with his number one playmate, Brody!4 yr 4 mo 244

I mentioned to a friend of Facebook today that Blade was soooo close to rolling over. He must have heard me because just a few hours later, there he went from his tummy to his back. I, of course, ran to get the camera…4 yr 4 mo 215

At 4 months he weighs 16lbs 9.5oz (83rd percentile) and is 25 3/4 long (80th percentile). Dr. Reyes is confident he will be our biggest kid when all is said and done ;) Poor buddy got 2 shots this visit just like his brothers and sisters 10 shots total… can you say FUN?!

His biggest accomplishment thus far is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! It’s been about a month now that he’s been sleeping a solid 11-12 hours straight. We took the same approach with him as we did the quads (dream feeding, adding volume to day bottles as we took out the night…etc.) and it paid off….again, thank goodness! 5 for 5, I firmly believe this is the way to do it!

4 yr 4 mo 203

Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin were all there to help introduce their little bro to his first taste of “real” food. Blade gagged as each of them offered him a small unwanted bite.4 yr 4 mo 142

This is proof that opening your own mouth when feeding a baby is natural LOL!4 yr 4 mo 159

Although he did much better during his second try, he was less than impressed the first food trial…4 yr 4 mo 155

Another first for Blade – Sunday School! We helped start a new church just over a year ago so our congregation is still small. Blade’s been enjoying the services with his Daddy & I but is starting to be the cute baby who makes noises making others turn, look and smile…quite the distraction, a cute one, but a distraction nonetheless! I escorted him out this past Sunday and let him join the nursery. He still doesn’t sit on his own, but did well propped up in the highchair for 5 minutes or so. Here’s my little big man studying “Mr. Turtle”.

Now our little quaddies…. FOUR years old, SO hard to believe! L-R (happens to be in birth order) Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin. Silly Babes :)4 yr 4 mo 129

Broman now weighs 34lbs 2oz (32nd percentile) & is 3ft 3in tall (32nd percentile). We’re so thankful to have gone (almost) four years now with no shunt malfunction with this little guy. Hoping he can be one of the few who never ever have revisions!4 yr 4 mo 036

Korbin is just a tad behind Brody weighing in at 33lbs 6oz (25th percentile) & 3ft 4in tall (52nd percentile)!4 yr 4 mo 015

Our itsy bitsy Baxlyn is still the smallest at 31lbs (15th percentile)! I didn’t think she would EVER break 30lbs and here she is at 31! She is 3ft 4in tall putting her in the 57th percentile for height.4 yr 4 mo 012

Kylee Mae who is usually neck and neck with Korbin is now giving Brody a run for his money. She matched him at 34lbs 2 oz (41st percentile) and is 3ft 4 1/4in tall (60th percentile)4 yr 4 mo 004

So so thankful for these 5 little peeps!

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Coming up… Blade’s first trip to the ZOO! & The Quads’ 4th Birthday PaRtY!!!!


  1. Great blog!!! Love you all! Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)

  2. It sure is nice when they all smile for the camera so often! Love the blog!

  3. Aww. Your 5 are adorable. Can't wait to hear about the party :)
