Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Date Night & A Sleepover

One of my favorite things to do with the kids is SPLIT them! Having 5 on a regular basis makes having 3 a breeeeze. Obviously it gives Bret and I a break but more importantly, it allows us to enjoy some special quality time with just a few of them! This past weekend Nana & Aunt Beth took the girls while Bret and I spoiled the boys rotten. Here’s the girls, with thumbs up, ready to start their “girls’ night”! Excuse the blurry pics, some were taken with the cell…

girls nanas

Bret and I took the boys to Shogun for dinner after dropping the girls off. They had been to a similar restaurant over the summer but with a large group AND they had markers, papers and more – lots of distraction. They were in awe at how different this place was than our typical Chili’s outings. Korbin was beyond thrilled and LOVED that the “Muffin Man” cooked our food (I’m thinking the chef’s hat is what made him think of the Muffin Man???) !

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Their little heads turned quickly with excitement when they heard flames roaring from the tables around us!

shogun 2

Chop Sticks! I was amazed at how much these two (especially Brody) managed to get down…

shogun 1

After Shogun we went to good ole’ Target where the boys picked out shirts for themselves and the girls. That’s one thing that always gets me, they ALWAYS think of each other when they’re apart. On the way home Brody said “Are we gonna go get the girls? I think they probly missin’ us.”  Before going to bed they did a little chit chat with their sisters over the phone and sent them a picture of the Minnie shirts they had bought for them.

shogun 3

The boys, along with Daddy, slept in the living room by the “campfire” and fell asleep watching a movie. After allowing Mama to sleep in (woohoo for 9am!), Daddy went and bought donuts for breakfast!

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They spent their Saturday building shelves with Daddy & putting together these FUN cardboard forts. A house for the boys’ room…

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…and a beautiful surprise castle for the princesses!

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Blade and I were able to get his room & closet organized and get a little relaxation in before heading to get the girlies that evening…

shogun 4

Thanks a million Nana & Aunt Beth for taking our girlies and letting us have this opportunity. We look forward to droppin’ off the boys soon Winking smile

1 comment:

  1. Well, you're welcome! We had a great time with the girls! We played outside in the rocks,did bubbles, colored, made chocolate chip cookies, and best of all, played with Manny!!! Looks like the boys had a great time too! We look forward to having them next month! (Us older people need our rest between visits!) Love you all, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)
