Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin!

Our four little miracles turn four years old today!

6 weeks old 028

quad babies

helmet quads1st halloween quads

slide babies

family pic 19months newsand quadsRA quads2pamom quads_thumb[2]outdoor babieswedding



God thank you for choosing us to be the parents of these precious four. Thank you for protecting them and allowing us to love on them each day. We are blessed beyond measure and will ever be grateful.

Happy Birthday Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin! You stole our hearts from the moment we saw you as little black blobs on the ultrasound machine. Words can’t express how much we love you or how proud you make us!


  1. Happy 4th Birthday Brody,Baxlyn,Korbin and Kylee!

  2. What a wonderful birthday party you had! We will all remember that for a long time. We are so blessed to have you all!!

  3. Happy Birthday Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee and Korbin! Watching you have so much fun at your birthday party was a joy! We love you so much! Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)

  4. Happy Birthday! It has been amazing watching you all grow to be such bright happy little children. You all are so blessed, parents are blessed with you'll and you'll are blessed with awesome parents.....and baby brother! Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to read more amazing stories about you all! A friend in East Texas, Pam.
