Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentines Day 2013!

When I saw on Facebook that Rebecca Riley Photography was offering Valentines Day mini sessions – I booked immediately and I am soo glad I did. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor session and OH. MY. WORD. She captured some of THE most precious pictures ever!

They just happened to sit in birth order (…sniff sniff) Brody, Baxlyn with Blade, Kylee & Korbin…who was a real ham the whole day! Cox5vday

I mentioned before that Rebecca is a mother of 4 boys including a set of twins. Her love for children is undeniable and the kids warm up to her so quickly. We were in front of her camera for literally 15 minutes and in that 15 minutes she captured individual pictures of all 5 of my kiddos, a beautiful group shot and more! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get 5 little wiggly people looking at the same camera at the same time?!?! I’m tellin’ ya, people, she’s goood ;)

My sweet sweet handsome Brody. Are these props not the cutest?!Cox5vday-5

Baxlyn HopeCox5vday-3

Kylee Mae MaeCox5vday-4

Korbin LeeCox5vday-2

…and my PRECIOUS number 5!Cox5vday-6

This picture of the girls…. MELT MEEE…. I see some serious framing going in on my near future…Cox5vday-9

My boys and their signature cowlicks. Silly Korbin & Brody with his baby blues…Cox5vday-11Cox5vday-8Cox5vday-10

Last but not least, my littlest love and his…Cox5vday-7

Learn more about Rebecca Riley Photography and see more of her phenomenal work by visiting her website here. Click on over to show her some LOVE on her Facebook page by clicking here – be sure you scroll down a bit to see some of the other adorable pictures from this session!

Thanks again, Rebecca Riley, for the priceless pictures! Can’t wait until our next session :)

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!


  1. Wonderful pictures of gorgeous babies. Seems like a very talented photographer!

  2. She's good alright! These are so cute!! Love how the simplest props can be so adorable, and way to go kids for cooperating so nicely!

  3. I loved every one of the pictures. Love to all. From Aunt Bonnie

  4. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..

  5. The pictures came out great! She did a wonderful job. I love the idea of a Valentine's photo shoot.
