Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Happenings!

We colored Easter eggs this weekend with our peeps. I’ll say it gets a little bit easier and a little more fun every year!eggs6

Waiting anxiously for the dye tablets to dissolve in the water…IMG_7377

…and waiting for the dye to do it’s job!eggs7

Those of you who have followed us for a while know we assigned the quads colors when they were born to know who was who in NICU as well as whose stuff was whose (pacifiers, car seats…etc.). To this day they LOVE “their” colors and knowing that it signifies THEIR own personal thing/item no questions, no arguments! The eggs were no exception, they were so excited to color their eggs in their own color. Below Kylee watching her egg turn a pretty pink while Baxlyn admires her purple…IMG_7388

The boys and their blue & green!IMG_7384

I’m proud to say there were no major messes and only one dropped/crushed egg! The final products…eggs4eggs1eggs2eggs3

We had our annual Spring Fling with our Moms of Multiples group a few weeks ago. We rented out a local farm just for our kiddos – so fun!IMG_7358

Wasting no time, ours were the first ones to the goat pens.  Big surprise, ehh?IMG_7297IMG_7296

Kylee could have sat here all day.TOTALLY in her element!IMG_7302IMG_7276

Baxlyn and Korbin (well, kinda Korbin) wanted to take their picture with the Easter Bunny. Baxlyn loves characters and costumes. Korbin, not so much, but he always sticks beside his sister. Brody second guesses his bravery when he sees terrified Kylee shaking like a leaf in fear. He chose to play it safe and stayed far far away with Daddy. I love this picture below so much. Baxlyn striking her pose while Korbin stands a safe two feet away Winking smileIMG_7306

Next was the egg hunt. The quads pretty much stuck to their hunting history. Kylee insisted on stopping after each egg to see what was inside leaving her with a grand total of about 8 eggs by the time the hunt was over. IMG_7335 Korbin & Baxlyn were quick and efficient when collecting eggs and luckily gathered more than enough to share with their not so fast brother and sister!IMG_7333IMG_7332

Brody casually walked around and for some reason was drawn to all of the broken and empty eggs. At one point I saw him carefully picking random jelly beans out of the grass. I think he ended up with just a few less than Kylee, but he didn’t seem to mind!IMG_7331

Our precious 4 checking out their loot!IMG_7344

Melanie and I with our sweet sweet boys, Hudson & Blade, born about a month apart!IMG_7317

My little chunk was just perfection that day, not a peep the entire time! Can’t wait until next year when he’s running around having fun with his brothers and sisters!IMG_7316

Our first experience with cotton candy – holy sticky galore!IMG_7314IMG_7310

Our handsome E-buds, Emerson, Emmett & EverettIMG_7353IMG_7350

Before we headed out we were the mean parents who forced all of their kids to take a photo with the Easter Bunny together. Bret propped Kylee up on his shoulders, she bawled the entire time & I snapped the pic. Needless to say, she survived Winking smileIMG_7327

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