Thursday, April 4, 2013

It’s kind of a BIG deal…

These tiny, sick, helpless babies…

kylee schoolbrody school

…started PRESCHOOL today! For now it’s just Brody & Kylee, Korbin & B will join them in the fall. They had a fabulous day and there were NO tears from them or myself (well, until I got in the car…heehee)!

preschool a and c

Today their daddy and I are so SO incredibly PROUD and thankful In love


  1. Look how excited they are! Way to go!

  2. They've come a long way and have a lot more to do in this life!!! So proud of you Brody and Kylee!!! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)

  3. Nana is so happy for you and proud too!! You are growing up so fast, next thing you know we will see you are graduating highschool!! Love you so much!

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