Monday, April 29, 2013

Water Babies

At four years old, we’re just getting the quads into swim lessons. They’ve always loved the water but putting 4 kiddos in swim lessons isn’t cheap, we finally bit the bullet and they (mostly) are loving it!


Their class consists of them and one other student which is nice. Their two teachers are great yet I still find myself hovering, keeping a close eye on them as well as the lifeguard…sometimes they just look too cozy up there – wake up ;)


Their first lesson they all did great. Baxlyn has continued to LOVE it and cries when we have to leave. Korbin and Baxlyn enjoy but Brody was pretty much over it after the first lesson. While the others practice kicking and beg for turns to do different activities, Brody tends to sit on the top step and do things like wave at me, ask if Blade is doing ok…etc. This past lesson I sat with Blade across the room in attempts to be less of a distraction. At one point Brody is yelling at the top of his lungs causing everyone to look “Mom…MOM…HEY MOM! THIS ALMOST OVER? WE GONNA GO EAT SOME PIZZA AFTER THIS?” Needless to say he had many parents throughout the place cracking up. I just quietly nodded my head in slight embarrassment and motioned for him to hush and pay attention…crazy kid!

Below Kylee takes a turn being a rocket (or something of that nature?) in the water! She and Brody definitely struggle with kicking and she is having difficulty using her left arm and hand to “swim” correctly. We’re hoping they’ll adjust soon and it will help them in the long run.


One of their favorite parts is “diving” for toys. Ok so they don’t actually dive but are encouraged to lean into the water to fetch toys, which is good, but it does give this overprotective mama a slight panic attack. Breathe, Heather, they’ll be fine. Lol!


While one teacher works on the side with the group, another teacher will take them for one on one time. Baxlyn begs to go and loves every minute of it. I can hear here from where I sit asking the lady to let go of her, “she can do it by herself”. Girl lacks NO confidence at all ;)


My little ducks all in a row. Makes my heart happy!


The first lesson we had, Bret and I drove separate to. I had to head somewhere straight from the lesson and I left Bret to load them by himself. Shortly after leaving he called and informed me that all 5 were all in the van, buckled and had somehow locked him out of the car. A phone call, a fire truck and rescue team later (sirens and all) they got the doors unlocked and were able to head home. Never a dull moment! I know this is just the beginning of what will be a busy little childhood. Tee ball, dance lessons, music class….who knows what the future holds!

-Don’t forget click on over on the Circle of Moms logo button on the right side of the screen and throw us a vote!


  1. We still just love your blog! We don't comment very often, but we look forward to each post and the wonderful pics, too. You all are an amazing little family. You make everything look so easy, but we know it isn't. God bless you all! <3 Rob and Kathy Gandy Ada, Oklahoma

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