Thursday, May 9, 2013

6 Month Old Blade & Botox Round 2

Blog slacker – right here, I know! Kylee & Brody had their second round of Botox this week. We were up at a verrrryyyyy early 3am in order to get to Cook Children’s in Fort Worth by 5:30 but these two were troopers. It’s amazing how a certain little boy can talk non-stop even when being woken up so early ;)

Our two little {trying to be} brave hearts before beginning. Brody rocks the fake smiles now days…gahtonight8


Brody & his thumbs up In love ready to go!


Some of you were lucky enough to catch the video of Kylee singing Pontoon by Little Big Town while she was high on happy juice during their last procedures. Unfortunately the happy juice didn’t have the same effect this time. She hated the taste and it made her nauseous. Her main concern while being there was getting the “IB” (IV). She is NOT a fan about IVs at all. Luckily we got a few smiles out of her before she went back and lost it before being put under…

tonight10They had injections to the same spots as the first round, minus Kylee’s left hand. Brody came out first and met us in recovery awake and happy. It wasn’t long after that that we could hear Kylee down the hall SCREAMING at the top of her lungs as they woke her and tried to get X-rays of her hips. Brody heard her and immediately worried “I need to go see Kylee, what are they doin’ to Kylee? I need to see what’s happenin’…” poor guy. Makes me happy but breaks my heart at the same time when I see them worry about each other. He wasn’t content until they rolled her bed up next to his, in which he INSISTED on jumping into with her…that, by the way, lasted all of 35 seconds until she kicked him out! She was easy going once she got her popsicle that is until she realized she had the IV…holy moly. All in all everything went great and we’re hoping the second round will help their spasticity even more. We’ll follow up with the neurologist in  a couple of months to determine whether or not they will benefit from additional rounds in the future. Thanks to all of you who said prayers for our two and a special thanks to my mom & sister for watching the others!


Our Chunky Monkey is now 6 months old (seriously, how does this happen?). He is without a doubt THE most precious thing on this planet. His little personality continues to shine through and he continues to amaze me as well as others with how super easy going he is. He’s still a rock hard sleeper and gets a good 10-12hours in each night & wakes happy and content. I seriously couldn’t ask for a better baby!


At 6 months our sweet number 5 weighed in at 20lbs8oz which landed him in the 90th percentile. He fell in the 95th percentile for height at 28 1/4in!


Brody & Kylee were at school and missed Blade’s appointment. When I told Brody that Blade got two shots, the look on his face was priceless. He immediately wanted to hold him, kiss him and make sure he was ok. The love his has for his little brother never ends, ugh so sweet!tonight4

Stayed tuned, lots coming up Winking smile


  1. You are really amazing! and so are all FIVE of your children! Wow! What a hunk at 6 months!!

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