Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Leveling the playing field–we’re expecting a GIRL!!

Estimated date of arrival:  July 3rd of 2013.

Approximate weight: 65lbs.

She has beautiful brown eyes, 4 legs and a beautiful coat of golden blonde hair!

That’s right, you can relax, I’m not pregnant.  If all goes as planned, we will be welcoming a Labrador Retriever into our family ~ TOMORROW! Obviously at 65lbs, we are not getting a puppy but an older dog in need of a good home. A little anxious about the whole transition for her as well as us but I’m praying things go smoothly and we all adjust in a short amount of time!

The best part? The quads have NO idea Smile 

We’ll keep you posted!


  1. HO-LY MO-LEY! You had me! This will be very fun to watch. What fun!

  2. I'm sure they will love the dog.

  3. You almost gave me a heart attack until I saw "65 lbs" haha! I had totally skipped over the arrival date because I was in shock! Haha!

  4. How fun! I think your kids are the perfect age to add a dog to the family. We've had a lab mix since before our babies were born (she was my first baby) and now that my kids are 3 years old she's finally getting a little attention again. She's super gentle with the kids and my kids adore her.

  5. Can't wait to meet her! She's gonna be spoiled rotten! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)

  6. Labs are excellent with kids as they have such a great temperment

  7. She should be a great addition, surely you are loving her now! They are usually very protective and careful with kiddos.We found our first baby girl when she was about that size and about 3-4 years old just roaming in our community park on a rainy day. She jumped right into our new cars trunk and was at home instantly. She never was scared or mean to our boys. Aw, sorry for the reminiscing...but, hope your girl fits in just the same!
