Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Meet Brooke!

It’s been a week since we welcomed Brooke, a red fox Labrador Retriever, into our family. We put our two dogs to sleep due to old age and complications before the quads turned 2 years old. To this day they all, especially Kylee, still talk about Rocky & Coco. As cute as they are, Bret and I didn’t want to deal with the puppy stage so we opted for an older dog. Our sweet girl will be six years old at the end of July and although she’s never been around kids, she has adapted great with our house full of them!brooke5

We were so anxious to see Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin meet Brooke and to our surprise they were very calm, quiet and confused. We have a dog in the neighborhood who always escapes his yard and roams, he’s known as “Brown Dog” and apparently Brooke looks a lot like him. Upon seeing Brooke they thought she was Brown Dog and wondered why he was in our yard. It took some convincing that it was NOT Brown Dog and that this dog was theirs. Brody, Baxlyn & Korbin kinda laughed as they took it all in and Kylee, the one we were expecting a show out of, stood still staring for quite a while. It took some time but once it finally sunk in that this was HER dog she was over the moon excited!20130703_135719

Right off the bat, Brooke wanted to be center of the attention and didn’t mind 8 little hands all over her. SUCH a relief for Bret and I!20130703_141952

Brooke & Baby Blade <320130703_142159

Kylee & Brooke <3brooke1brooke4brooke8brooke9

Korbin and Brooke, which he insisted was “Brooklyn” at first. Once he got her first name down he asked me what her middle name was, I told him I didn’t know and that’s when he decided it would be “Butterscotch”, after the runaway Butterscotch from a few weeks ago.brooke6

Baxlyn & Brooke <3


Brody & Brooke <3


The quads with their new BFF on the 4th of July. A side note: this is the girl's’ fourth (and hopefully final) year to wear these skirts – crazy!brooke2

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t in love with her too. She’s been near perfect so far. Has tons of energy, loves to fetch, is crate trained, potty trained, doesn’t jump and listens fairly well! Fingers crossed that she continues to be the perfect fit for our family!


  1. What a lucky dog.....she will be loved on so much and they will have another playmate. My cousins had a labrador reteiver when I was growing up.....long time ago.....I remember that being the smarted and best dog, I always wanted one like her. Have fun, our animals become our family, we get so close to them.....thanks again for sharing!

  2. That dog hit the jackpot! I'm so happy to read that you rescued an adult dog- there are so many that need great homes. :)


  3. Wow the pictures tell the story, Brooke is in Love with the kids and the kids are in Love with Brooke. So happy for you all and for Brooke.

  4. That pup looks over the moon happy too! Looks like a perfect fit! Enjoy here!

  5. I love how even your dog's name starts with a B! Way to stick to the B/K names! I'm so happy to hear that Brooke has adapted well to your house, no house is complete without a dog in my opinion!

  6. What a wonderful addition to a wonderful family! Brooke fits right in. Seeing her in person, it seems like she's been with you all all of her life. More happy childhood memories are going to be made! Good dog choice mom and dad! Love, Sis (AKA Aunt Beth)

  7. Congratulations on your new addition. Having 3 rescue dogs and 2 of them being adopted at 2 and 4 I have to say you did the best thing. She looks so happy and for not being around kids she appears to be attentive to them. The way she sits and just stares at them. The one of your daughter and her on the deck laying down is priceless. Again, great job on adopting a rescue fur-kid. Sherri
