Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life on Facebook

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a Facebook addict and how I depend on it for a connection to the outside world. I love posting little tid bits about my days (I’ll admit, I’m probably what many consider an “overposter”)  and love to keep up with others as well. During these days especially, nothing brings me more peace than seeing posts from my mom friends about what their kids broke, ate, peed on or tried to flush down the toilet that day. It’s posts and pictures like those that remind me that I am not the only soul on the planet trying to survive this crazy, yet blessed, road of parenting. I thought I’d do a post of some of the things going on on the Facebook page of Heather Cox these days. Enjoy these random status updates, and pictures or course ;)

“Brody "Mom, how bout if we are bad when we go to bed you could separate us. One could go in the playroom. One could go to blade's room. One could sleep in the livey-room and the rest of them could sleep in your bed." Not sure how many kids he thinks we have in this house but ok!”

“Conversation at lunch - korbin "baxlyn, what are you think you gonna be when you grow up?" Baxlyn "I was thinkin I was gonna be a farmer." Korbin "I'm gonna be a cowgirr!"

“The neighbor is walking around her yard in a bright yellow rain coat. I have the quads convinced its a GIANT yellow duck. Muaahaaahaaahaa!”

“Brody's prayer at dinner "dear Jesus, thank you for baby blade. Thank you for daddy, for bashi, korbin and thank you for kylee. Amen!" Once again, thanks buddy!”

“A (very clean) live scorpion just fell out of my washer. Nice.”

“Sometimes parenting involves daddy hiding in the boys room just before they go to bed and convincing them that there's a cow in their closet. Teehee...mean mommy & daddy. RRRoooaaarrrr! MOOOOOO!”

“Listening to Baxlyn singing in her bed "oh mit Donald had a farm e i e i o and on his farm he had......uh?.....oh mit Donald had a farm wit a pig....everyone oink oink, everyone oink oink!" So cute!”

“So I just woke up and talked to this Siri chick on my phone for the first time. I told her I was so tired she replied "listen to me heather. Put down this iPhone and go take a nap right now. I'll wait here." This is my kind of girl!”

“Brody "Mom, you are so handsome!" The best compliment I could ever get. Thanks buddy :]”

“One of the best feelings in the world? Forgetting that two of your kids are spending the night at Nana's house and remembering at the last minute! Enjoying some time with my four men!”

“I just got home from a long (fun) business meeting. Baxlyn peeked out their bedroom door and whispered "I want to habe a date wiff you. I wanna watch a mobie and habe a date wiff you." I can say no to that!”

“Just a few of the questions during dinner... "why is mommy little? why is daddy big? why is blade only one baby? can we have a girr next time?" Oh, four year olds, the questions never end!”

Father’s Day!

Photo: This beautiful chunk (yes, wrapped in a pink blanket) is 8 months old today <3

“I sat watching these two play and decided to do some measurements for comparison. Baxlyn 32lbs, Blade 23lbs. Their wrists, ankles and biceps are the exact same and his thighs are an inch bigger. Geeeez!”

Photo: I sat watching these two play and decided to do some measurements for comparison. Baxlyn 32lbs, Blade 23lbs. Their wrists, ankles and biceps are the exact same and his thighs are an inch bigger. Geeeez!

Photo: Snuggling and thanking God tonight for blessing me with THE sweetest number five <3

“They have no idea daddy and mommy went to get them a doggy of their own! They are going to be so happy!” – Bethany, while watching the quads while we went for Brooke.

Photo: Movie time with the cinco amigos!

“Daddy kinda bought the wrong size for night time pull ups... Maybe he was thinking their COMBINED weight? Ugh!”

Photo: Daddy kinda for the size wrong for night time pull ups... Maybe he was thinking their COMBINED weight? Ugh!

“Yeah that sucks. Anyone wanna come change a diap?”

Photo: Yeah that sucks. Anyone wanna come change a diap?

“I told her she could do a roman candle when she turned 7. five mins later daddy hooked her up, so much for that!”

Photo: I told her she could do a roman candle when she turned 7. five mins later daddy hooked her up, so much for that!


Blade’s first 4th!


A trip to the pediatrician’s!

We arrived at swim lessons, I look back to this…

Baby Blade & Brody

Until next time Smile


  1. Love this post! You need to do these more often with the things the kids say! There are so many and one day you'll forget! Love, Sis (AKA Aunt Beth)

  2. Love it - they are adorable!
