Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Blade–9 months. Mobility & Mischief!

Our BIG dude is 9 months old already! Can’t believe I’ll be planning his first birthday party in just a short couple of months! At his 9 month check up, Blade weighed 24lbs and was 29 3/4 inches long, both landing him in surprisingly just the 90th percentile!


Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin tagged along to his check up and answered all of Dr. Reyes’ questions. “He’s sitting up unassisted?” YES! “He babbles and plays with his toys?” YES! They were thrilled to help in the process. Big dude got shots and not only did he cry, but Brody shed a tear or two as well. Love the brotherly love Brody has for Blade.


It’s INSANE seeing him develop and hit milestones at a “normal” pace. The same things that took the quads MONTHS of therapy to accomplish he gets within just a couple of tries with no assistance at all – it just blows my mind! Blade has been cruising in his walker for a few months now and learned to crawl just a few weeks ago. With the mobility has come mischief, as expected, but WOW. This dude is a busy one! The new house is much bigger than the last and we had the old house completely quad-proofed before they even came home. The quads had their fair share of destruction but I have a feeling Blade will outdo them in no time. He earned a new nickname of “Dozer” (as in bulldozer) just this past week while on his first vacation to Kentucky! Below are just a few pics of our sweet number 5 in action…trouble1

Although he’s not quite pulling to stand just yet, he’s learned he can reach the blinds. Drives me nuts!9mo3

He attended his first VBS at church a few weeks ago and of course, found ways to get into trouble around the church each day during set up…9mo2

…the computer cords are another favorite…trouble3

Nothing beats the laundry room and the stash of vacuums Mommy has. This is his absolute favorite and he lights up if he notices the laundry room door got left open only to be followed by crocodile tears when we pull him back and close it :(troucle2

…the carbon monoxide detector. Yup, THAT sudden unexpected alarm can seriously freak a bunch of four year olds out.trouble5

One of his newest finds since learning to crawl – the plug to the lamp off the living room.9mo7

Last but not least he makes a mad dash towards the kitchen if he sees me in the general area of the dishwasher. Always there to lend a helping hand ;)trouble4

Baby proofing for the quads consisted of baby gates, outlet covers and door knob covers. Other than that, the house was set up like  daycare (no nice furniture, no lamps or table décor…etc.). So far we don’t have any gates up and wont be able to gate him completely like we did with the fab four. If you have any recommendations on the latest baby proofing gear, feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear some of your favorites!