Monday, August 26, 2013

Quads meet PRESCHOOL!

Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin started PRESCHOOL today! You probably remember that Brody & Kylee started towards the end of last year. Luckily Korbin & Baxlyn were able to join them and be a part of the pre-k/PPCD program! pk3 pk4pk2pk1As excited as I am for them to start school for me I (honestly) am way more excited for them. They all love to socialize and I know they’ll all soar academically this year! I personally will look forward to a short break during the day and special one on one time with my sweet Blade :]

A picture of Nana and her quads before they left for school…pk7

Bret and I walked our little foursome to their class this morning and not a tear was shed. I made it thru our goodbyes dry eyed and
(barely) held it together as I kissed each one and told them how proud I was of them.


The Pre-k and Kindergarten parents were all invited to stay for a  “Boohoo…Yahoo!” breakfast where their principal welcomed us, assured us our “babies” were in the best of care and shared her own story about dropping her own four kids off (including a set of triplets!) at school many years ago! A book was read about letting your babies grow up and I think I was the ONLY mother in the room not crying. Does it make me a little sad that they’re growing up, sure, but I can’t put into words just how proud I am of how far they have come since their first few months of life.

The quads only go for a short period of time each day and as I picked them up they were all smiles as they ran out to greet me! Although they were a little bummed they didn’t get to do EVERYTHING from sandboxes, to coloring to gym time on the first day, they’re all excited to go back!

Once again, sweet babies, you’re daddy and I are so incredibly PROUD of you. We are beyond blessed to have each of you here with us today and we look forward to watching you continue to grow in school!

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