Monday, November 11, 2013

My Curl-less Kylee Mae

I love having girls. Love the pink and purple, the cute clothes, the bows and the long hair. Unfortunately with the long hair comes the daily fights of brushing tangles, the long locks getting stuck in your brothers’ car wheels, zippers, car seats and shirts. The tips of Kylee’s long hair were kissed with a hint of blonde and held her precious baby curls. We had hesitantly talked about getting her a real cut for a while and we finally did it. I have to admit I was SO sad to see her sweet blonde curls go but it was time.

Her first ponytail…

kylee first pony tail! 010

…and now!

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Here’s a before shot of her hair before her haircut. I had brushed the heck out of it just before going in so it looks a little frizzy compared to what it normally does…


Every time we talked about cutting her hair, Kylee would say she didn’t want us to, she was afraid it would hurt more than anything and had the idea we were gonna take her out back and shave her head like we do the boys! After assuring her she would still have hair and that it wouldn’t hurt to brush she was ok with the idea of cutting it. She sat like a big girl in the salon chair while the lady snipped away…

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Call me ridiculous but I HATED seeing those sweet ends laying on the floor :( She thought it was neat to see it after it had been cut off and happily said “it doesn’t hurt!”

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We ended up taking about 4 inches off and she’s still got a hint of her blonde!


There’s a little $1 jewelry shop next to the place I took her so I let her go in and pick anything she wanted for being such a big girl.

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She’s got a new thing for the color yellow lately and chose this beautiful yellow necklace ;)

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My proud girl ready to show her Daddy and siblings her new do!

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….annnnd here’s my girl a few hours later before bed. She asked me if she could have her curls back :(

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She has perked up since then after seeing how easily her hair can be brushed through after play time and bath! I can only hope that mayyyybe just mayyyybe some of those curls will dwindle themselves back into place :)

*Don’t forget to hop on over and vote for our Haloween pic by clicking here and clucking view entries/search “monkey”!


  1. Oh Kylee Mae!!! You're new haircut is so pretty! You look like you're 8 years old!!! I'm so proud of you, you're growing up to be a beautiful young lady! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!! Kylee Mae I love your new haircut. You are so pretty and growing up so fast. You are beautiful!!

  3. Sweet little pretty..She looks so incredibly long in these photos...out of curiosity, how tall is she? Already in 5Ts? Or maybe it's just the photos, but that girl is long..and so is her hair still! :) Kelly

    1. Hi Kelly! I'm not sure how tall she is in inches(feet) but all four of the quads are currently in a 4T for length. For the waist they are more of a 2T-3T. Kylee is the tallest (by maybe a hald of an inch) but they're all pretty tall and super lean, makes shopping for pants pretty difficult...grr!

  4. I hear you, Heather! My twins are 5 year old and just 34lb at best! Adjustable waists are a must :) All your kids are super adorable!!!

