Friday, November 8, 2013

Blade’s 1 Year Check Up

Blade had his ONE year check up with Dr. Reyes last week. Our little man is growing perfectly and in great health, we are blessed :)


The one question I’ve been asked since he’s been born (besides if he was an ‘accident’) is how different it is going from having 4 babies to just 1. While of course there’s a huge difference, there’s JUST as big of a difference in a baby(ies) born at 28 weeks and having a baby born full term. Blade has had a handful of appointments over his first year where the quads had what seems like hundreds with multiple doctors and specialists. Blade’s 1 year check up was a typical, average, boring one and for that we are thankful!

At birth our little/big man was 10lbs8oz putting him well into the 90th+ percentile. At 1 year he is 25lbs3oz which lands him in the 80th percentile and only 5lbs heavier than Brody at a year old! His height is 31 1/4 inches (87th percentile) and his little noggin is 18 3/8inches (57th percentile).

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Our Birthday Boy also had his very first visit to the dentist! We’ve been taking the quads every 6 months since their adjusted first birthday and Blade’s first birthday fell at the same time so they were all due for their 6 month appointment. Dr. Brister’s staff did an excellent job accommodating all of the kiddos at once like always and Blade did great during his little cleaning and exam too! Currently he has 5 (and a half) teeth and lucky for us, like his brothers and sisters, he’s handled cutting new teeth like a pro!


 Blade spent the morning of his actual birth “day” at Cook Children’s Hospital with Brody. Brody had been complaining of pain around his scar on his tummy where his shunt leads. Docs ordered an extensive sonogram and turns out he’s got a lot of scar tissue that’s likely bothering him. Not fun but so thankful it’s nothing serious. Brody enjoyed getting to spend some special one on one time with Blade and we all enjoyed Daddy taking the day off to be with us!

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Kylee & Baxlyn spent the night at Nana and Aunt Beth’s the night of Blade’s birthday so we went out to dinner with some of the family to celebrate with just the boys. I love love love love love when we get to do special things with just a few of them! And, yes, all three boys are wearing the same matching shirts ;)

blades bday dinner

I thought I’d throw this one in. Blade is starting to climb. Scares me to death but cute to see him accomplish something and be so proud! bladeclimbIn addition to climbing he still LOVES to empty the cabinets in the kitchen – one of these days we’ll break down and baby proof them. Although he still takes a few steps here and there, he’s not full blown walking yet, and I’m ok with that! He loves baths, the trashcan and will still make a quick dash to play in the toilet given the opportunity. He currently wears mostly 18mos clothing and a size 2-3 shoe! He still naps twice a day and gets a good 11hours in at night before I have to wake him to get the quads to school.

Last but  not least, here’s a video of Blade taking a few steps! Stay tuned for an inside look at his birthday party!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Blade! The year has just flown by and you have been such a blessing to our family! We love you so much and look forward to what God has in store for you! Aunt Beth (AKA Sis), Uncle Darrell and John
