Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trick or Treating 2013

We went to our old neighborhood to trick or treat this year. It’s fun to see our old neighbors and our new house is a little more “country” and we don’t get trick or treaters. Our little monkey’s were excited about the loot they were going to see it was like pulling teeth to get pictures. They did manage to give me the one below…


We were accompanied this year by Chris, Bethany and “Granny” Linda – so fun and SO nice to have the extra eyes to help watch all of our little people. As the sun went down they were hard to see in their dark costumes!

b and h hal

Linda, Me, Bethany and below Brody, Korb, B & Kylee posing in front of a scary cat! It was at this particular house we got bombarded by a bunch of big kids at once. Trying to keep an eye on all of ours among the group we heard Kylee frantically yell “Nooo, NOO, STOP IT, Stoooopp it! NOOO!!” When we asked her what was wrong she said that someone stole the sucker she had been eating. We all sorta brushed it off and told her she could get another one later.

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A few blocks away, Baxlyn went to reach into another bucket of candy and we noticed a green sucker stuck right in the fur of her costume. It took a minute but Bethany and I both started laughing hysterically when we realized it was Kylee’s sucker. Kylee laid eyes on it and yelled “THAT’S MY SUCKER!!” Absolutely hilarious!

hal5The quads did really well walking door to door. They made it down 3 streets or so and loved looking at the decorations!


Like every year, Kylee managed to work herself to every front door she could in search of dogs…


Baby Blade had fun too! This was technically his second time trick or treating. Last year he was 6 days old and we got home from the hospital the day before Halloween so I was wheeled down the sidewalk to watch the quads with him in my arms…crazy how quickly the past year flew by! He chugged along in the ole’ choo choo wagon and Daddy even treated him to a sucker!

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Last but not least, the pumpkins they (and by “they”, I mean I) carved. After gutting their pumpkins, I let them “draw” a face on their own and I did the carving… 1 mom, 4 4 year olds covered in goo and 4 pumpkins to carve…f u n ! In birth order left to right Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin!


 Sadly, I think this was the last year I could choose their costumes :( 5 years isn’t so bad! They’re all very excited about picking their own for next year and in fact, they have already picked… as of right now Brody wants to be a “little duck”. His Granny Linda has a yellow rain jacket that he believes is a costume so he wants to match her. Baxlyn has a thing for rainbows and unicorns lately and decided she wants to be a rainbow. Kylee has a new found love for Cinderella so chose her and Korbin wants to be a frog for next year’s Halloween. It will be fun to see where they all *really* land next year on their decisions. Who knows?! Here’s a look back at their costumes over the years…

hal 2009

hal 2010

 hal 2011

hal 2012

5 monkeys

**Tiny Prints is having a Halloween Photo Contest and the winner gets a vacation! We’ve submitted our photo and would love for you to throw us a vote! Simply click  HERE, click on ‘View Entries” and scroollll down until you see our lil monkeys OR to find us quickly simply type “Monkey” in the ‘search entries’ tab at the right! You can vote once a day until November 18th. Thanks for your support!**

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