Saturday, November 30, 2013

Waiting for Dallas


Chris and Bethany have been close friends with Bret and I for years. If you’ve followed our blog for a while now, their names are familiar. Bethany also has a blog that can be found on our blog roll called Life Is Good. After struggling to get pregnant themselves, they’ve decided to go forward with adopting a baby of their own! They’ve known for a while now that they wanted to name their first baby, boy or girl, Dallas.

Not sure I’ve ever mentioned it here on the blog, but I was adopted at birth, so this new journey they are embarking on is close to my heart. There is a baby out there (or someday will be) who will be BLESSED to have Chris and Bethany as parents just as I was blessed to be placed with my mom and dad! No doubt God had an amazing plan for me and I know he does for little Dallas too. I encourage you to click and read more about their story and please, keep them in your prayers. So excited to see how God will bless their family!

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