Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Christmas Tree Adventure {2013}

This was our second year to hunt down our Christmas tree at a tree farm. We went to a different place this year, Ivanhoe Christmas Tree Farm, and found the best tree yet! Like last year, Chris and Bethany joined us to help keep track of all of our peeps! Here are the quads on the trailer as we were taken out to the fields…


They enjoyed running the fields, in and out of trees, giving us adults a run for our money as we tried to keep track!


Blade was awake this year and enjoyed his wagon ride as he ate leaves, hay and anything else he could grasp as we wandered.

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I’m sure we are not the only ones who find “the tree” several times each year. We would come across one that was perfect and then Daddy would spot a bigger/better one. Here are the quads with a tree that was sooo close to making the cut for the Cox Household this year…

tree12 You’d think it was snowing the way we were dressed. Heavy coats, hats and gloves. We left early in the morning and here in Texas you just NEVER know about the weather. By afternoon it was a nice somewhat warm day. Speaking of weather, here in north Texas we had a high of 81 yesterday and today’s high was 37. I’m telling you, it’s unpredictable!

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The family who owned the farm had a sweet puppy that rode out with us and followed us along. Kylee, of course, couldn’t care less about the trees as long as that dog was there. Of course, she had to smooch it, that girl!


Bret finally spotted the perfect tree for this year. It was beautiful and stood 11 1/2 feet tall (so they said!). We knew standing next to it that it was big, but we didn’t realize how big until we got it home! Bret told us that he always wanted a tree that touched the ceiling growing up, but his mom and dad didn’t ever go for it - his dad says otherwise ;). Bret said that now that he was grown, he’ll get that tree that touched the ceiling! Below is our family picture with our tree… check out the choo choo in it’s tiniest form!


The quads’ each took turns helping Daddy cut down the tree… timmmberrrr!


Brody & Mommy

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While the crew was hauling and prepping our tree for the transport home we were all on the hunt for Chris & Bethie’s tree. Like our search, we found “the one” for them a good 6 times before they officially chose this beauty!


Brody…or was it Korbin (?!) helping Chris chop it down!

tree4 If you know our Brody, you know he is a tool man. There is nothing he loves more than being next to his Daddy or Papaw helping with all sorts of tools. He begged me to let him hold the saw and cut down his own tree, sweet boy.


After explaining he was still a little too little to cut down a tree I let him get after this little stump we found :)

tree2           Once home we put all the babies down for a nap allowing the guys to set up the trees while Bethany and I went to the store for more lights. Our ceiling in the living room is 11 feet tall so the tree didn’t quite fit. Bret and Chris did a great job trimming until it fit beautifully. Being there would have stressed me out for sure! Luckily they had it up and stable by the time we returned. It took up more room than I anticipated and looked GINORMOUS at first but after putting on the lights (all 1650 of them!) and ornaments, I think it’s perfect!

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Love love this time of year! Stay tuned, one CRAZY adventure to come ;)

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