Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Korbin’s Recovery {Abdominal Hernia Surgery}

  Korbin’s surgery went great yesterday! He had his procedure done at Cook Children’s Ped. Surgery Center in Plano. Here he is when we arrived with his thumbs up, ready to go!korbin sugery3

Here he is during prep. I’ve never seen a kid to chill before going in for surgery. I think he was just so happy to be spending time ALONE with Bret and I, he didn’t care what was about to happen! Brody & Kylee get lots of “special” time for themselves with Bret and I due to so many doctors appointments but Korbin and Baxlyn, not so often :( He never shed a tear or showed ANY sign of being scared or nervous the entire time. After a dose of happy juice (that didn’t seem to do anything compared to his last surgery) he smiled and waved goodbye as they wheeled him off to the operating room.

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The surgery only took about 40 minutes and Dr. Kadesky (who happens to be an identical twin!) said it was just as he thought…two hernias. One hernia a bit bigger than expected but both were taken care of thru one incision placed right between the two. Here’s our big man just after surgery (red irritation due to intubation) all smiles and ready for popsicles! He proudly told me “I didn’t even go to sleep!” Ok, buddy ;) Leading up to the surgery I think he was expecting everything that happened with Brody's experience a few weeks ago. He was excited to spend the night, have balloons, toys and teddy bears delivered and to play in the playroom in the hospital. He was a little thrown when we packed up and headed home within an hour or two of him waking up. Bret and I had planned on heading to the gift shop while he was in the OR to grab some balloons for him but the hospital didn’t have one. Sweet Mamaw & Wayne had a special Edible Arrangement delivered as well as a bunch of balloons when Korbin got home – thanks again, guys!

Korbin is home today due to doc’s orders and can return to school tomorrow. Although meds were prescribed, he’s in little to no pain and has only had a couple of doses of Tylenol! He’ll be joining Brody on the sidelines at school during PE and recess for a couple of weeks so his lil tummy can heal and then he should be good to go!

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Thank you all who text, called and supported Korbin through kind words and prayers. His surgery couldn’t have gone smoother in any way!

Now…. on to the next child. Kylee will be having SPOTT surgery on her foot/ankle December 1st. Her surgery, like Brody’s will be done at Cook Children’s and she’ll spend at least one night in the hospital. Her surgery is a bit more difficult and she will have a much bigger recovery time. We will update later with more details regarding her operation.

1 comment:

  1. You were one brave boy Korbin! I'm so proud of you! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)
