Monday, November 10, 2014

Mr. Korbin, Prepped for Surgery!

Our sweet Korb is headed to Cooks Surgery Center in the morning (Tuesday the 11th) for a minor surgery. He’s had two small bumps just above his belly button since he was itty bitty. Multiple docs have kept and eye on them over the years and have never been too concerned. Some of the pros say they’re benign cysts and others believe they’re abdominal hernias. All the docs have agreed they’re nothing to worry about unless they start to bother Korbin. Over the past 6 months or so, Korbin has complained of them hurting. Nothing major, but enough to make him mention discomfort multiple times on and off for a while. He will be going in in the morning to have them removed/repaired. Dr. Kadesky will be performing the surgery which is to take no longer than 1 hour. After waking up and proving stable, our little mister will be on his way home and should be back at school within a day or two!


A closer look at his tummy before bed tonight (never mind the inside-out, backwards Pjs!)…


Korbin’s not nervous whatsoever, which is nice. In his mind he’s about to live it up at the hospital, receive balloons, skip a little school and eat ice cream for being brave like Brody did a few weeks ago. Although his won’t be quite the same experience, we’ll try to make it as special as we can ;)

We appreciate any positive thoughts and prayers you could offer us in the morning. He’s scheduled for surgery at 11am. We will update tomorrow evening. Thanks all!