With our March for Babies walk taking place tomorrow morning, I’ve found myself sitting and remembering why our family started walking several years ago. Like many, before we became pregnant with our quadruplets, I was pretty ignorant about high risk pregnancies, prematurity, infant mortality and just how many families it affects everyday. Bret and I knew from day one that we were in a risky situation. We were told we could expect to go in at any appointment and see one less heartbeat, we knew that there was a good chance, if born too early, that our babies may not even survive. We were a few of the lucky ones who had a relatively uneventful pregnancy and we, despite several very close calls, made it out of the NICU with all four of our sweet babies.
Unfortunately, not all families have the same outcome. Since becoming pregnant with our quads, I have been blessed to be a part of a phenomenal group of quadruplet families across the country. I can honestly say I would not be where I am today without the support and friendships of these fellow moms. We are there to support each other through life raising quadruplets and often hold each other up during very difficult times. Over the last 5 years, my eyes have truly been opened to just how incredibly blessed we are to have our babies with us here today. I’ve {literally} lost count of how many mothers I’ve witnessed lose one, two or all of their babies. My heart has broken far too many times for families who are dealing with the unimaginable pain of losing the babies they so badly wanted. A deep pain that will never go away.
Meet Jen & Chris Petersen.
Jen & Chris are one of those families. Just several weeks ago, Jen went into preterm labor not even half way through her pregnancy. On March 11th, 2014 their daughter Serenity Brooklyn Monroe was delivered and called to be with Jesus while being held in the arms of her parents. The doctors had hoped that the delivery of Serenity would give her sister and two brothers a better chance at survival. Sadly, two days later, Jaxson Joseph, Gianna Charlotte Faith & Gage Christian Thomas were forced to be delivered and were reunited with their sister in Heaven. I’ve watched Jen throughout her entire journey and have been so inspired by her. Despite dealing with something many of us can’t even imagine living through, she and Chris have proven their faith in God is unshakeable.
Chris & Jen with Jaxson, Gianna, Gage and a teddy bear representing their sweet Serenity.
A balloon release in honor of The Petersen Quads.

I share this story to hopefully shed a light on just how real this is. It happens. All the time. Real families, real babies, real pain.
This is what the March of Dimes is all about. Trying to prevent such tragedies by helping fund the research being done to help prevent prematurity, infant mortality & birth defects. Please join with us, with parents who have been through such heartbreak and with the many others fighting to make a difference and support the March for Babies campaign. To learn more about The Peterson Family visit the Prayers for the Fantastic Four facebook page.
Please consider giving to the March of Dimes in honor of their precious angels by clicking here. Every dollar helps make a difference and puts us one step closer to saving another tiny life. I know I speak for many families out there when I say “Thank You”.
Thank you, Jen, for allowing me the opportunity to share a small glimpse of your story. Your precious angels touched so many lives during the short amount of time they were here on earth and will never be forgotten. Our family walks for families like yours. Continued prayers, Mama.