Yep, the quads had their very first adventure at SCHOOL! One of my best friends, Bethany, is a computer foundations teacher at an elementary school. She teaches pre-k through 4th grade - the girl is a trooooper! Since the babies were born her fellow co-workers (and students) have supported us, prayed for us, and followed our blog. On Monday they had a teacher work day (no kids come to school) and Bethany thought it would be a great idea for me to bring the babies up to meet everyone!
The school was so clean, well decorated and SOOO organized, it brought me back to my childhood days. I always ALWAYS wanted to be two things growing up... a Mommy and a Teacher. For now this Mommy thing's kinda got me tied up so I'll hold off on my teaching degree ;) Everyone was so friendly and greeted the babies with hugs, high fives and smiles. It was so cool for me to finally meet some of the people who have supported us since day one!
Our first stop was the library. We pulled in the choo choo wagon and within seconds the babies spotted all of the books and stuffed animals on the shelves. Mrs. Melody & Ms. Sandra insisted the babies get out, explore, and play with all of the books and animals they wanted!

From the library, we ditched the wagon (YAY! FOR FOUR WALKERS!) and went cruising the hallways to see what else we could find. Seeing the tiles on the wall Brody yells "Caca! Caca!" he just
knew they were giant crackers!

Up next was the cafeteria. Seeing this made me realize holy cow, my
babies toddlers will be in school soon :(

From the cafeteria, we headed to "Aunt" Bethany's computer classroom. How cute are they lined up at their computers with headphones on?! Look at all these computers and imagine each chair with a four/five year old sitting in it....crazy! I can't tell you how many cute stories I've heard from Bethany when it comes to teaching little kids all about computers! Hats off to you, Bethany, really!
Love this one of Baxlyn getting serious about her work "Back off Mom, I'm busy!"
From the cool computer class we headed to a pre-k class with chairs a little more suitable for kids their size!
By this time, Miss Thang here knew just what she was doin' and led us down the halls arms crossed and everything! Bret taught her this a few weeks ago and she does it time to time... this time she was just too cool for school ;) It's seriously hilarious watching a 2 and half foot lil' girl try to walk with her arms crossed!!!!!

...and lil' bit led us right to the gym! Here's teeny weeny Brody flashing us a huge smile from (almost) center court!

Everyone needs a little hydration after an intense workout in the gym...
Up next - music class! They loved playing with the instruments but it was a tad bit dangerous having four sticks flying around so we didn't stay long.

After some good tunes we visited the principals office where, clearly, Korbin was not a fan :(

No worries, Mrs. Leigh came to the rescue knowing that nothing takes the tears away like getting to punch numbers on a fax machine! Thanks Mrs. Leigh!!!!

Last but not least, and one of my favorites... The Quad Squad School Safety Patrol! They let each one wear their own safety patrol vest and stand out on the curb and pretend to "direct traffic". The babies thought this was great, each one with a HUGE smile! Korbin had a stop sign a little too heavy to actually hold up, to him it was a perfect broom!
That was our day and a quick glance into the future and what school will *hopefully* be like for these fours sweet loves of mine. In one short year (their 3rd birthday) the quads will be dropped from
ECI and the wonderful therapies ECI has to offer. BOOOOOOO! From there they will most likely qualify for preschool classes that are held in our local elementary school..... C R A Z Y - they were
J U S T born! Not sure if I will ever get over the shock factor on how fast they grow, it's truely insane!
I want to give a special thanks to the sweet staff at Bethany's school who let us roam and play that day and most of all for your never ending support!