I can't believe my sweet babies are 6 months old today. WOW! I am so grateful that they are all here and doing so well. They had their 6 month check up this week and Dr. Reyes said they are doing fantastic. He said it's rare for 28-29 weekers to go their first six months without having any respiratory illnesses... yay for healthy babies and an over-protective mommy and daddy! They also had their not-so-fun shots and hearing screenings. During the hearing screenings the room has to be quiet... so while one baby was being tested the other 3 had to be out of the room. My friend Bethany stayed in the room with the one being tested while I visited with the nurses in the office with the other 3. At one point one baby was in the office doing computer work with one of the nurses while the others were up front at the front desk answering phones and we switched the babies out as another got done. Luckily the office wasn't busy and we had the extra hands to help out! The boys passed their tests, Baxlyn was too feisty/machine wouldn't work with her ears, and they were able to get one of Kylee's ears to cooperate. So we still have 3 ears to be evaluated in the near future. Fun!
Here they are at their 6 month check up.
Baxlyn, Kylee, Korbin, & Brody
At times I feel like they are such little babies and then other times when trying to remember just how small they used to be, I feel they are HUGE! I wish I had a little mold of each of them from when they were born so I could see exactly how much they have grown.
Stats and pics will have to do!
My Bro-man
At Birth: 3lbs 15in

Today: 15lbs 5oz 24.5in
My Little Miss Baxlyn
At Birth: 2lbs 10oz 15in

Today: 12lbs 12oz 23 1/4in

My Sweet "Tiny" Kylee
At Birth: 2lbs 7oz 14.5in

Today: 13lbs 11.5oz 23 3/4in

Mr. Korbin My "Korb Worb"
At Birth: 2lbs 11oz 14in

Today: 13lbs 12oz 24 1/4in
Here's a few more pics showing just how far they have come!
Their diapers. The one on the very left is what Kylee started in, it measures just about 2 inches in height. The others started at the next size. Proud to say my little monkeys are now in size 2!
Their bottles. The one to the left we would attached to their feeding tubes and let gravity move it down into their little tummies. I remember we used to try and try and try to get Baxlyn's little tummy to digest just 3ccs of milk only to go back at the next feed and find it all still in her little tummy, the day she finally did it was such a big deal.

From drops to ccs to ounces... we now find ourselves going through an unbelievable amount of formula. We make a gallon a day. Below is a pic of about 6 weeks worth.
This was their first picture together in their personalized hats that swallowed them...
Today in their hats...
Look how far you have come sweet babies, we're SO SO SO SO proud of you.
Thank you for being such little fighters.
We Love you :]
Mommy & Daddy