A few of my Mom friends and I headed to the Dallas Arboretum on Monday with our sea of children. 3 moms 10 toddlers ages 2 and under and a 4 year old made for a fun, BUSY day! Surrounded by what felt like hundreds of single strollers I think we broke our record with the "what daycare/nursery are you with?" question! Love this one below of the quads mixed in with the Tew triplets and big brother Britton. Amazing how quickly candy can settle them down!
While Angela and Jenny chase a handful of kids running in the field I catch this group on the verge of testing gravity at it's best....ahhh get down!
Below we have Jenny and her trio Ronan, Maxim & Julien. Jenny says to me "Hey Heather, take a picture of us as we sit so sweetly together! I can take it and use it as my Facebook profile pic! Bla bla bla...." gag me. Jenny's babies are still sweet young innocent 15 month olds (despite that evil look Max is giving me as I take his pic). You just sit there, Jenny, looking all cute in your little black hat and matching halloweeny orange scarf thingy holding your three little babies... your days coming when you're dripping with sweat like Angela and I as you chase around those crazy rambunctious boys ;)
How do you get a set of quadruplets and 2 sets of triplets to pose for a group picture together? Strap them down, line them up, back up about 89 feet, jump up and down screaming and looking like a fool and click...wa-la you've got it!
Yes, this would be Kylee smooching a goat. Nice.
L-R Emerson, Everett, Emmett, Baxlyn, Korbin, Kylee & Brody
Smiley Kylee
Emmett. Oh Emmett, my lil' future son-in-law. When Kylee isn't talking about food, dogs or goats, she's talking about Emmett. A handsome lil' dude if I so say so myself!
Kylee holding a pumpkin and so proud of herself! (Hey therapists and docs...check out that left hand!)
Korbin showing off his muscles!
Another attempt at a group photo, 2 out of 4 not bad!
You locals who have not been to the Dallas Arboretum yet, GO! Until next time!
Omg the doat kiss sent me into a laugh/cough fit! Her first boyfriend will LOVE that!