Saturday, April 24, 2010

My little Darlin'...

...home now for a year!
Bret, Baxlyn, Korbin and I went this day last year to pick up Miss Kylee from the hospital! She and Brody had their very own suite and when I walked in, this is what I found...

Although we were SO HAPPY to be taking our baby girl home, it was one of the hardest walks out of the NICU that I have taken, having to leave Brody alone again.

3 down... 1 to go! L-R Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin

A cute laughter video of Brody and my sweet sweet Kylee Mae! Please ignore their wild hair and the crazy mommy shadow popping up in the background :)

Love you Baby, happy one year anniversary!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Korbin & Baxlyn

A year ago today my little "Baby Boy D" and "Baby Girl B" were released from the hospital. I remember it like it was yesterday. We woke up bright and early super excited to be bringing home Kylee and Baxlyn. I called the NICU as usual to see how everyone did over night and the nurses informed me that Miss Kylee had had a recordable brady (she had to be stimulated to breathe) therefore had to stay another 5 consecutive days without having one. As fast as I was bummed, I was happy again when the nurse on the other line said "You wanna take Korbin?!" We were going to leave him behind to stay with Brody as long as possible, but Kylee apparently wanted that role and wasn't quite ready to break free!
Their last group picture in the NICU. We will pretend Kylee's kissin' him goodbye rather that biting him for takin' her place!

I remember as we drove away sitting in the back seat looking down at them thinking "WOW.... they are really ours now. Ours to take care of. No doctors, no nurses, no machines, leads, or monitors - just. us." Bret and I slept with one eye open that night and checked to make sure they were breathing I don't know how many times!

It's so hard to believe it's already been a year.

We love you Baxlyn & Korbin!

Monday, April 19, 2010

March 4 Babies 2010

We packed up Saturday for our 5 mile walk with the babies and friends to help support the March of Dimes. This being our first time to participate, I was prepared for chaos and felt totally unprepared as we ventured out not knowing how things would end up with the weather, traveling with the massive stroller on the Dart and a shuttle bus, and at the same time worried about feedings and how the babies would do. Luckily, the day couldn't have gone more smoothly! We woke up at 5am to pouring rain which had me nervous but by the time we hit the road it was gone and didn't return. The babies did fantastic and enjoyed the longest walk of their lives :]

A picture of our group with our Cox Quads shirts designed by uncle mason! (THANKS MACE!)
Among the thousands of people there we were able to find Amy Jo and Brandon and I finally got to meet those sweet sweet sweet Sather babies!
Little Logan and his contagious smile...pretty sure he loved me ;)

There were pictures all along the walk to remind of why we were walking. Sooo many pictures of babies born early, some too early. Many people walked in honor of their babies who survived their prematurity and many walked in memory of their precious angel babies living in Heaven today. Below is our family picture by our sign which had each baby's name, weight, and gestational age at birth.

I'm pretty sure we were the last ones to cross the finish line that day. We stopped several times for feedings and diapee changes...

As we headed back towards the finish line, we took our sign as a keepsake. Miss Kylee was the proud holder leading the pack...
Two proud mommas and their babies at the finish line (finally)!!
Last but not least a proud daughter and her momma at the finish line! Mom walked the entire 5miles like a pro, so proud of you, Mom!
Don't let Korbin's smile fool you, by the time we got home the babies were SO worn out (see the girls faces in the background!). They went to bed at an early 5:30 and momma right behind em' at 6pm!
Thanks to those who walked with us and to all of you who support the March of Dimes and March for Babies. Because of you many precious lives are being saved. We look forward to participating in the years to come and teaching our babies about how they can make a difference and help fight against prematurity!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


At last, we are FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Lockdown is OVER! We had planned on waiting until the beginning of May but with this beautiful weather and the RSV trends dropping dramatically we are now out and about and IT. FEELS. GOOD! I have never been so excited about summertime before in my life. This time of year I am usually dreading the upcoming Texas heat. This year I am looking forward to SO much after being in the house for nearly a year swimming, parks, play dates, swimming, church, vacations, and did I mention I love to swim?!

We are learning quickly getting out with four babies for long periods of time isn't the easiest thing to do. I usually pack enough for our appointment and we are gone for a few hours. Bret and I are now finding ourselves thinking about how our outings are going to affect the babies and the strict (but necessary) schedule they have been on since coming home. "How much milk to we bring? Will there be extra hands to help? We won't have our quad table, how will we feed them? Will the restaurant have 4 highchairs available? Will they be able to nap not at home (no is the answer to that one!)? Do we take the stroller or the choo choo? Is this person's clean, organized, trinket-filled house REALLY ready to welcome 1 year old quads?" The list goes on. We have become so good at knowing the in's and out's and the do's and don'ts and the tricks to making everyday life easier with quads but this..... is a whole new ballgame (for us and the babies) and I hope we can quickly adjust. I find myself saying over and over that I will not let the fact that we have four babies keep us from doing the things we enjoy. It's very different but it's our new normal. I know the days are numbered BUT the babies have yet to make a scene (besides the obvious) at a public place and are still in awe at seeing new people and places. Here are a few pics of a few of our latest outings!
Brody at On The Border

Church in the choo choo

Korbin Lee

My little B

The Grams and the Broman

Last but not least, 2 proud parents and 4 well behaved babies at Pasados!

Hope you are all having a great week! Also - this weekend is our walk for March for Babies. Thank you SO much to those of you who helped us reach our goal! For those of you who may want to contribute or walk with us click here!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's kind of a big deal....

To everyone who guessed on the last post, technically, you're right... I did trim Korbin's hair (which I am never allowed to do again), Brody isn't wearing his helmet (yes he still has it, we let him take a break for Easter) but what we were looking for was PAINTED TOENAILS!!!!


With summer coming up, you must have painted toenails! The girls did well while I painted them and didn't seem to know a difference when I was done. Dresses, sandals, bows and now nail polish - gotta love being a girl! I guess for now it's a mommy pleasure but they will catch on eventually (I know I could be starting a bad thing here)!

So glad God decided to throw a few girls into the mix ;)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a busy fun-filled Easter that's for sure. Now that we're approaching the end of RSV, we are getting the babies out of the house a little at a time, today was the best - church! They got to play in the nursery with a few other kids and had a blast. After church we headed to Mamaw and Papaw's house for a visit and then off to Aunt Beth's to see more family. Poor babies only got tiny cat naps between stops so I'm praying just maaaaayyybe they'll sleep till noon tomorrow.... ha!

L-R Brody, Korbin, Kylee & Baxlyn

Absolutely blows my mind to think about where we were last year!

The boys (weighing in at about 4lbs) in their Easter baskets last year!

This is about all of Brody we could fit in today! Korbin and his basket this year...Sweet baby girls last year...
and today... Baxlyn
and Kylee.
Hope you all had a blessed Easter!
***Anyone notice anything new in any of these pics?!?***