I was asked quite a bit as their birthday was approaching how I was handling it, and to be honest it was VERY difficult at first. I would always tear up thinking about how ridiculously fast they're growing up and how they won't be my little babies much longer. On the other hand I have to keep reminding myself they are here, all of them, and to celebrate their first birthday and making it through the first year is HUGE! Last year I remember telling Bret "if only I knew they would be here a year from now...".
Baxlyn in her first tutu made by Mommy! (btw she HATED it)
Oh I was SO HAPPY with the way the cakes turned out! I knew just what I wanted and headed to the local grocery store... I gave them my specific requests (this baby, that color, this order, blonde fro, pink pig tails etc.) and hoped for the best! The result was better than I had pictured!!!
Love this picture!!

Thanks so much to all of you who came and a special thanks to Amy Horton with Amy Horton Photography for coming and capturing some great pics!
**Bret and I would like to ask for your prayers. We are taking Kylee tomorrow (Monday March 1st) to have an MRI and an EEG done. It will be a long day of tests and we need prayers that things run smoothly for her and we get good results as well. We will update soon with more details. Thanks Bret & Heather