We took Brody to his neurosurgeon last week in Fort Worth and hoped to make a trip by the zoo but it was too cold. I cannot tell you how bummed I was. I had been looking forward to the zoo trip and getting out of this dang house for weeeeks. The forecast for today was great so Bret and "Aunt Banan" took the day off and we headed to the Dallas Zoo (which by the way for you locals has come a long way in the past few years- very nice)! Luckily it wasn't busy and the people who were there kept their "Ooohs" and "Ahhhs" at a distance. I was afraid we would be the main attraction the whole day but it wasn't bad at all!
Here's Bret pushing the stroller as we entered!

Mommy and Baxlyn
The girls couldn't care less about the cute as can be penguins right next to them.
Hardest part about the outing? - lack of adults. We quickly learned it would have been nice to have one adult per baby making it easier to let them all see things at the same time. We managed and juggled babies back and forth so everyone had a chance to look!
Daddy, Kylee & Brody lookin at the fish!
Baxlyn would have been in the water with them in a heartbeat. This girl is a fish out of water!