We packed up Saturday for our 5 mile walk with the babies and friends to help support the March of Dimes. This being our first time to participate, I was prepared for chaos and felt totally unprepared as we ventured out not knowing how things would end up with the weather, traveling with the massive stroller on the Dart and a shuttle bus, and at the same time worried about feedings and how the babies would do. Luckily, the day couldn't have gone more smoothly! We woke up at 5am to pouring rain which had me nervous but by the time we hit the road it was gone and didn't return. The babies did fantastic and enjoyed the longest walk of their lives :]
A picture of our group with our
Cox Quads shirts designed by uncle
mason! (THANKS MACE!)

Among the thousands of people there we were able to find Amy Jo and Brandon and I finally got to meet those sweet sweet sweet
Sather babies!

Little Logan and his contagious smile...pretty sure he loved me ;)

There were pictures all along the walk to remind of why we were walking. Sooo many pictures of babies born early, some too early. Many people walked in honor of their babies who survived their prematurity and many walked in memory of their precious angel babies living in Heaven today. Below is our family picture by our sign which had each baby's name, weight, and gestational age at birth.
I'm pretty sure we were the last ones to cross the finish line that day. We stopped several times for feedings and diapee changes...

As we headed back towards the finish line, we took our sign as a keepsake. Miss Kylee was the proud holder leading the pack...
Two proud mommas and their babies at the finish line (finally)!!
Last but not least a proud daughter and her momma at the finish line! Mom walked the entire 5miles like a pro, so proud of you, Mom!

Don't let
Korbin's smile fool you, by the time we got home the babies were SO worn out (see the girls faces in the background!). They went to bed at an early 5:30 and momma right behind em' at 6pm!

Thanks to those who walked with us and to all of you who support the
March of Dimes and
March for Babies. Because of you many precious lives are being saved. We look forward to participating in the years to come and teaching our babies about how they can make a difference and help fight against prematurity!