Rock Stars, that's what they are. Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin have continued to do GREAT at potty training! It's been just over a week now since we did our 3(4) Day Potty Training and wow, I'm still amazed at how...dare I say... easy it's been. Between them all, we have one accident every 2 days or so...not too shabby!
We went out for their Mamaw's birthday last week, our first time at a restaurant, I was nervous to say the least. I called the restaurant ahead of time to see if they took reservations, of course, they didn't. I explained our situation to them as well as our STRONG need to be sat as close to the restroom as possible. Thankfully they accommodated us and our table was just feet from the bathroom door. I arrived with the babies a bit early (we were meeting Daddy & Mamaw there) so we could all get familiar with and use the potty. It was our first public restroom experience and eww. The restroom itself was "clean" and well kept for an adult who ya know, DOESN'T grip the toilet seat and practically stick their head IN the toilet to say bye bye to the pee as it's flushed down the toilet and lay on the bathroom floor to peek under the wall of the stall next to us. Although I would feel ok using that potty, having four two year olds in there was not exactly this germ-a-phobic momma's dream. It was a little chaotic to say the least but they all went and we eventually made it to our table. Between the jammin' music that Brody was into (good gosh it felt like we were in a night club as loud as the bathroom music was) and Kylee's slight addiction to flushing the toilet repeatedly I was so afraid they would think the bathroom was way cool and would "need to go" every 5 minutes. To my surprise, they all sat the entire dinner not one gave a thought to the potty again. At the end of the meal we paraded (with our little potty seat in hand) back into the restroom for one last "go" before we left for home. Zero accidents, again, leaving me a proud proud Mommy!
Friday morning we, along with the rest of the family, headed to the Gaylord Texan Ice Sculptures. I was so excited to go see the beautiful scenes made out of ice but was super anxious about the quads being in panties and underwear. It was a bit of a drive and I, having never been there, didn't know what to expect when we got there. I had no clue how big this place was, how crowded it would be, how many bathrooms they had or where they were located. Bret and I decided we would put them in Pull Ups for this trip knowing it would likely be a challenge to get them all to a potty if needed. The kids are great at treating their Pull Ups like panites and know that they are not supposed to pee in them. We got to the Gaylord around 9am and enjoyed walking around the inside of the building that was BEAUTIFULLY decorated for Christmas. We headed over to the Ice Sculptures at 10am and at this point nobody had asked to go potty. To be honest, Bret and I didn't even ask them if they needed to go, assuming they would just go in their Pull Up after too long. I so don't want to be a parent that says "Oh, just go in your Pull Up" if their kids asks to go potty...even though that's what I would have wanted to say. This place was BIG and it would have been a long walk to find a potty for a toddler who gives you about a 9 second warning before needing to pee. We all kept our mouths shut and enjoyed the awesome sculptures.
This place was gorgeous. If you're local and haven't been, GO!

Korbin & I checkin' out one of the many trains!

...and the HUGE Christmas tree!

We've had several more outings since then...Papaw's house, church, friend's house and this morning, Chuck E Cheese, all trips were successful with no accidents. Simply amazing! For those of you who read the previous post, Potting Training: The Scoop!, you'll be happy to know there has been a great increase in Sucker consumption as well as BIG stickers to the sticker charts! The girls still prefer to "go" at night/nap but the boys are serious about the number 2 business and go in the toilet! I can only pray this successful diaper-free (daytime at least) life continues to go so well!
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