Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Big Reveal!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Good News... Times Two!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New Kicks & Hooray for Brody!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A year ago today...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kylee... My Sweetheart
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hello Helmets Goodbye Plagiocephaly!
Two of my girlfriends went with me today as extra hands, thanks Ashley & Anna! It's always funny to see how people react depending on who is with me. When it's just me and Bret "Oh my gosh, QUADRUPLETS!!??!!" today with it being 3 girls we heard "Wow lots of twins today!" (there was a set of twins in the waiting room too). When we got to our room they brought the babies helmets in and we tried them on for size. I am amazed at how lightweight and flexible they are, in pictures the look like rounded heavy clay pots stuck on their heads - very uncomfortable. Of all babies Korbin was the only one to throw a FIT! Kylee and Brody didn't seem to mind and had fun flirting with the staff. After 10 minutes or so of leaving the helmets on they would come in and take them off to look for red marks (sings of tightness and irritation) and go file down where needed until they got the perfect fit for each baby. I am especially happy with Brody's helmet, it has plenty of room around his shunt causing no pressure. We have an appointment scheduled in a few weeks to have the helmets "professionally" wrapped so for now they will be plain super boring and solid white. I have some cute ideas on how to decorate them, but if you have any feel free to share ;)
Gotta love the 8 little feet and one random hand!
Love this one of Korbin doing his best to finish off the squash bowl!
I think that about covers it for now! Hope everyone has a great week!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sept 2nd 2008
Now, back to my regular scheduled blogging. Once the babies reached 6 months we decided to start baby food. So far they have had peas, green beans, squash, bananas, & prunes. I was thinking the babies might go through a container between the four of them each feeding, for a week or two anyways until they got used to it. Boy was I wrong, by day 3 they were chowing down 2-3 containers between them all. My best eater from the first try Miss Kylee Mae, man she's a little green bean eatin' machine! Currently they are all eating in their bumbo seats but we hope we can move them into the quad table we got this weekend.... super excited about it and hoping it will make feedings a little easier!
"Uh Korb, you got a spoon in your neck..."
Ok, now for thei helmets. GREAT NEWS! The boys have been approved by insurance! YAY! The girls both qualified for Mediciad (which will also cover the bands) due to low birth weight BUT, their records show that Baxlyn is still in the NICU. No clue why and apparantly it is going to take an army to change her address in the computer. Ugh don't get me started. We went yesterday and the three (all but Baxlyn) were fitted and photographed for their helmets that they will recieve next week. To capture the images, they have to put this sheer nylon type robbers mask over their little heads. Poor babies, this FREAKED them out to say the very least. Before they got this DSI imaging machine babies had to have their head completely covered in plaster to get a mold, so glad we didn't have to go through that.
Here's Brody, poor kid has no idea what they're about to do to him.