"I didn't do it Mommy... hee hee"
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sibling Rivalry?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Animals Among The Pumpkin Patch!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Kylee & Baxlyn :) They are just too sweet. Kylee is THE happiest baby lately. She sits and laughs at the simplest things and is so so patient and the girl finally learned how to roll over back to stomach (so proud of you doll face)! Baxlyn and her little bitty voice I can't even describe... I'll try to post a video soon. Gotta love little delicate baby girls!
"Ok Brody here's the plan. You hold your butterfly and this yellow-screwdriver-tool-thing while I get the door ready to put on"
Then we have Korbin.
That's all we have for today, hope you all have a great week!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Look Out World... We Got New Wheels!

Me & my sarcastic thumbs up on our first outing!
Korbin gladly taking the front seat on the first ride!
Pros to having a Runabout besides the freedom? Other moms say we will be able to use this stroller until the babies are about 3 years old. There are lots of accessories (at additional cost of course) like a sun canopy & side panels and plastic weather shields making it easy to endure just about any weather. Each seat can recline making naps easy too.
Downside to having this stroller - they are not cheap. Thanks to you supporters and your generous donations we were able to buy this beast of a stroller that cost more than $1,000. Another downer is it doesn't fit inside the vehicle. You have to attach a hitch to the back of the van and LIFT the stinkin thing up onto it. I have practiced a few times (which I'm sure was entertaining to the neighbors) and am no pro just yet! Oh and did I mention you have to take the front baby out first? Yeah if you don't load front to back and unload back to front the whole thing tips backwards... although I have been warned by other moms, after our first walk what do I do? I take the front baby out first and the whole thing tipped back immediately. Luckily the basket was attached that helped stop it a bit and I was able to catch the front end fast enough. Yeah I know "Go Heather"... it will never happen again, promise!
Back to Front Korbin, Kylee, Baxlyn, & Brody!
Hopefully by the time RSV lockdown is over this bad boy will be my new best friend! Thanks again to all who helped us get our new stroller!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Another Heart Attack For Mommy...