I seriously can't believe they're 15months already... time for another one?! (kidding kidding...
well kinda) Dr. Reyes is pleased with how they are all doing and is allowing them extra time to play catch up due to their prematurity. Like we saw with the girls
last week at Dr. Roberts, they are all still working on some of their 12month milestones which is where they should be for their adjusted age.
Below: Baxlyn standing, Kylee waving her shoe, Korbin finding Waldo and the Broman!

This was the first appointment where Bret and I couldn't keep the babies either all on the table or sitting on a blanket on the floor. I tried but just couldn't do it so yes... they were ALL over that floor - EEWWW! All I kept thinking was germs, germs, oh my gosh eww germs! Gotta help build that immunity right?!?
Notice my perfectly laid out blanket on the floor. Where does Brody decide to stand? Right smack dab next to it... ugh.

Brody, Baxlyn & Korbin. (Again ignoring my blanket efforts)
Kylee and Daddy reading a book :]

keepin' a close eye on the mean nurse after his shots, poor dude!

As for the stats:
Brody 22lbs 5oz 29inches
Baxlyn 19lbs 9oz 29inches
Kylee 20lbs 15oz 30inches
Korbin 22lbs (Look out Brody!) 30 1/4inches
Next week - DUN DUN DUN.... the DENTIST! Now that should be interesting!