Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Dentist Appointment - SUCCESS!

We have been told by several doctors the babies should see a dentist at one year adjusted and well, here we are! After some research we went with Dr. Brister and he and his staff were fabulous. We made our appointment bright and early at 8am (Bret and I had to get up at 5:45am in order to get ready and loaded...ugh!) so the babies would be in the best mood possible and the appointment wouldn't interfere with any naps. Let me tell you, they did GREAT! All of them were so happy (almost) the entire time! Upon arriving the staff mentioned they wanted to split them up 2 and 2 for their exams just in case there were any meltdowns. Anna and I took Kylee and Korbin and Bret stayed with Baxlyn and the Broman. During their exams they got to play with the tools, have their teeth and gums brushed and become the proud owner of their very OWN toothbrush. I'm a bad Mommy and have been using one toothbrush between all of them... yuck I know (trust me tho, not the nastiest thing going on in our house lately... I'll elaborate in an upcoming blog - eww)!
Korbin checking out the cool light and his new toothbrush!
After their exams they were all in one big room together to meet Dr. Brister. Below, a picture of Baxlyn with Anna (and Levi who should be here early July!) playing with the cool light.
Kylee getting checked out by the doc!
Baxlyn stood the whole time clinging to the doctor waiting for her turn... so sweet!
Miss B... Brody was having a good ole time minding his own business, watching everybody, playing with his light, and holding his little cup...
but when it was time to see Dr. Brister, his feelings got a little hurt :[ Dr. Brister was very impressed overall how the babies are doing
and how their little teeth are coming in. Because of being preemies and high order multiples they are at risk for "complications" but so far so good! We go back in 6 months and are hoping things go as smoothly as they did this morning!
Next week... follow up eye exams :/


  1. they are cute as always. one question.. what is going on with the mysterious gloved hand coming at your face. lol.

  2. lol i thought the same thing amy, when i saw the pic. if you look closely shes holding the "cool light" up for the dr!

  3. The dentist?! Oh girl, I am SO behind. You make me not so scared to take them though! Way to go!

  4. I am so proud of you guys! Baxlyn and Kylee did such a great job for their exam! Korbin looks so big holding his toothbrush and Brody, I don't care for the dentist either, but it's part of life....just growl at him next time! Love you all!

  5. They're all getting to be big kids now. They did alot better than I do going to the dentist. Love "ya" all.

  6. Love it! We go for our second soon and I'm terrified that they will cause physical harm to the doctor!!!

  7. Love how simple every day tasks become huge when you have 4 babies to haul around!
    Great job looks like they will have a ball brushing their teeth for the next week.

  8. awesome! I've been thinking of finding a dentist for our crew so we have something lined up already. You're such a great momma!

  9. You're so smart to take them to the dentist early. I love the pictures of them checking everything out, expecially the one of Baxlyn holding on to the doc. Wonderful news that they are doing so well. Woohoo!
    Thanks so much for all your support of the March of Dimes. You guys are awesome!

  10. Right on! Great photos, love your blog.

  11. Glad they all did so well! :)

  12. Very good! I mean, it's often a good sign to see the kids being agreeable with the dentist. Though, as they get a little older, a bit of prep time might be needed for their next appointments. If you need to do that, remind them of this success to boost their eagerness to visit the dentist’s office.

  13. Your kids are SO cute! I love to see little kids like these visiting their personal dentist. With this first visit, I'm sure they will be more comfortable on the next visit. You just have to prepare them mentally. Tell them that their visit would be a piece of cake, or literally, buy them a cake after a successful visit, but don't forget to brush their teeth after eating sweets, okay?

  14. We have been told by several doctors the babies should see a dentist at one year adjusted and well, here we are! After some research we went with Dr. dental implants


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