My handsome Korbin. Oh that face and that combover - i love it :]
Silly Brody sporting his mohawk. We let him have a break from his cranial helmet due to being outside in the heat.
Kylee, eating her flag. This girl ALWAYS finds something to put in her mouth... grass, DIRT, HAIR, I even found a FLY in there yesterday (gag)!
(No, Baxlyn didn't have an individual shot, little miss wouldn't cooperate!) Grandma with Brody & Daddy with Baxlyn reading a book.
Daddy with his Baby B
Enjoying a bottle. Now days it's not too often they're all snuggled up together so this picture just had to be taken for memories sake...
It's also not too often Mommy gets a pic with all her babies...
Every year our church opens up the parking lot and provides a place for people to come and enjoy the local fireworks. Bret & I took the babies to church on the 4th of July last year where many people met them for the first time. I was a little apprehensive about taking them this year not only because it was literally hours past their bed time, but now they are mobile and trying to keep track of all of them amongst a crowd of people terrifies me. To my surprise they did GREAT and had the absolute time of their lives! I don't think I have ever counted to 4 as many times as I did that night... I was constantly talking to myself "1, 2, 3, 4..... ok there's Brody, Kylee, Baxlyn ok where's Korb...... 1, 2, 3...we're missing one we're missing one!..... hey so and so, how many do you have?!"
The big kids were nice enough to let the babies have their own turn in the bounce house and they l o v e d it, Baxlyn threw a fit when it was time to get out.
I love this little blurry picture of Kylee, she's seriously such a doll. She (most of the time) sits so patiently until you assist her to do what the others are doing and gets soo excited sometimes! I love it when the simple little things are so so big to them!
By this time it's no joke like 3 hours past the babies' bedtime and they are still just trucking along as the fireworks start. To keep them all in one place we threw down and blanket and lured them together with
bait chicken feed graduates puffs. The second the snacks went down, not one baby cared about the pretty bright lights in the sky. We tried so hard to get them to look up and I *think* Korbin may have seen like ONE firework, and that's it. L-R Korbin, Kylee, Brody & Baxlyn with their friend Destiny!
Brody after the show!
The babies with Grandma!
Last but not least our little family on the best 4th of July we've had together so far :]