The quads had a GREAT birthday, seriously nothing but fun for them and us! Bret and I decided to postpone their birthday party until May hoping we will have better weather as well as lessening the chance of sickness and germs. Bret took the day off work so we could all be together on their our special day. We didn't do birthday hats, balloons or even presents. Instead we just had fun and reflected on the past two years and how thankful we are that our sweet babies are here with us today. We thought about the first sonogram when we first saw our little black blobs, our second sonogram when the doctor said the terrifying words "There might be a fifth....", the day I was admitted at 26 weeks, the moment my doctor said he would be back around 5pm to take them, and the exact moments they were born.... their b i r t h d a y .
First thing in the morning we went to see Dr. Reyes for their 2 year check up! This was the first time they could all walk into the office on their own, nobody being held, no strollers... that alone was amazing. We were greeted by all of the nurses who showed us to our room and started taking temps, measuring heights and head circumferences and taking weights!

This was also their first check up that they were able to stand on the big big/girl scale!

Dr. Reyes, being the phenomenal doc he is, even had a 3-tiered birthday cake waiting for them with "Happy Birthday" written with candles! THANKS AGAIN!!
Brody's Stats:
At birth: 3lbs At 2 years: 26lbs 8oz (30th percentile for full-term two year olds)
At birth: 15inches At 2 years: 33inches (15th percentile)
Baxlyn's Stats:
At birth: 2lbs 10oz At 2 years: 23lbs 1oz (7th percentile)
At birth: 15inches At 2 years: 33 1/4inches (33rd percentile)
Kylee's Stats:
At birth: 2lbs 7oz At 2 years: 24lbs 4oz (18th percentile)
At birth: 14 1/2inches At 2 years: 33 3/4inches (47th percentile)
*Kylee's head circumference is looking much better than before. Still not on the charts, but the docs are not as worried now!!!*
Korbin's Stats:
At birth: 2lbs 11oz At 2 years: 26lbs 4oz (27th percentile)
At birth: 14inches At 2 years: 34 3/4inches (59th percentile WOW!)
Our next rounds of tests were hearing and vision. I had a feeling we would need to check these two areas and was a little apprehensive... hearing and vision tests on 4 two year olds can't be fun, or easy. To my surprise it was a breeeeze, SO easy! The pic below shows Brody going first at the eye exams... it was like a camera that flashed a few little lights for a few seconds and that was it!

Kylee was next...

Then Korbin, who immediatley flashed a smile thinking it was just another picture being taken!

Then it was Baxlyn's turn. If you know this girl, you KNOW she is different, in a good way, but different. Very independent and always does her own thing, she doesn't follow the crowd, she
leads the crowd. At this point in time she was "cuh-lah cuh-lah"ing and didn't want to be disturbed. "Baxlyyyynn... look at the camera Miss Baxlyynnn..." the nurse tried and tried to get her to cooperate (and by cooperate I mean look at the camera for like THREE seconds) like the rest of them. Baxlyn would look up for .2 seconds and then go right back to coloring. After a few minutes of begging, we had to give up. This lil' girl didn't get her eye exams done.

Sooo GOOD NEWS - the eyes were easy, quick, and painless. BAD NEWS - they all failed multiple tests on their left eyes, Brody's being the worst. Nothing to be too worried about, but we will be making an appointment with Dr. Leffler in the near future... and that one, Miss B
will be attending as well. After the eyes we went for the ears and again they all (even Baxlyn) cooperated and all passed with flying colors!
The Quads at their first year appointment with Dr. Reyes!

Much happier Quads at their 2nd year appointment with Dr. Reyes!

Thanks so much to Dr. Reyes and the staff at Stonebridge Pediatrics for being so good to us. We appreciate everything you have done for us over the past 2 years!
Stay tuned, readers! The Best Birthday Yet: Part 2 is next!