Tuesday, April 26, 2011
4 two year olds and a fly...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Dudu & Poop
Hope you are all having a great week!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
March of Dimes 2011

Bret and I sincerely want to thank all of you supported our walk by donating money THANK YOU! Another thanks to those who walked with us, we hope you consider joining us again next year as we strive to make this an annual event and help to raise awareness!
Last but not least we want to especially thank Mike with Prosper Marketing for providing our awesome team shirts! Last year we made our own shirts with iron ons and well, they didn't last long. This year Mike and his company provided us with high quality t-shirts with our logo on them and I have no doubt they'll be around a while! If you are local and are ever in need of custom made shirts (or any other gear for the matter) I highly recommend Prosper Marketing, they've got a HUGE selection and were SO easy to work with! Check out their site here!
Thanks again to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE who had a hand in supporting the March of Dimes this year!
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Texas Bluebonnets 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Quad's First Easter Egg Hunt!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Kylee & Brody's Developmental Check Up

Friday, April 1, 2011
Humpty Dumpty...Humpty Korbin...

I'd continue in rhyme, but it may be a few more weeks before I'd have a new blog post ;) Amy came over yesterday to teach me a thing or two on my new camera. We were in the backyard letting the kids roam and play while we were snapping pictures when I turned just in time to see Korbin fall, headfirst, out the small window of their new clubhouse (seen in a post a few weeks ago). As if seeing his head hit the ground were not bad enough, when he started crying, blood came running out of his mouth - FREAKED ME OUT. Thank goodness Amy, a mother of three rambunctious girls, was a little more collected than myself!
A good "mommy evaluation" was done and we felt his little noggin was fine, his front tooth on the other hand, was shifted forward and easy to wiggle. A call to the ped's office led us to a visit with the dentist this morning. He was a champ through the whole thing, Xrays and all! The doctor said his tooth is extruded and has a 50/50 chance of "dying". Although I'm thankful his fall didn't lead to anything more serious, I'm reeeeeaalllyyyyy hoping we hit the good 50% chance and his tooth survives! If it does she said it won't go back into its "correct" spot, but shouldn't affect his permanent tooth. He will go back in 6 weeks (which happens to be the time of their semi-annual check up) to see how the lil guy is doing!
I knew the times were coming... accidents, bloody noses, broken bones, cracked noggins... but do they HAVE to start at 2?!?!?! Ahhh...the joys of parenthood!