Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Heart Attack For Mommy...

Some of you may recognize that familiar blog title, except this time it was Miss Kylee. Yesterday afternoon Bret left to go get lunch and I had Kylee cracking up, a little too much apparently. She refluxed and it came out of her mouth and both nostrils. Nothing is scarier than seeing your baby struggle to breathe for minutes. I ended up calling 911 and she had for the most part caught her breath by the time they got there. Her lungs sounded ok but they took her to be evaluated further in the emergency room. I was prepared for such a situation and had the "Baby Emergency Bag" ready (clothes, formula, toys, blankets, insurance info etc.) to send with the ambulance. I met little miss at the hospital and she appeared to be fine and let me tell you that girl had those paramedics wrapped around her little finger - and tight! After a few hours of watching her sats (blood oxygen saturation) and a few xrays she was released to go home, thank goodness. Ugh crazy babies keep me on my toes... that's for sure.
"I'm ok Mommy..."


  1. O my goodnes! That is crazy! Poor Miss Kylee :-( I can't imagine!! Ill see you guys Monday!!

  2. awe.... they are getting so big and adorable.... I remember those days... My son Kegan had reflux and would inhale it into his lungs and turn grey and quit breathing it is very scary.....I can't imagine having 4 to watch at one time and worry with...... my 4 are all different ages...... Hearts and hugs, Marie

  3. What a scary thing! Glad all is well now. I need to call you..... we are getting close to getting rid of the ballpit/slide (eezy peezy thing) it is yours if you want it!
    Talk to you soon,

  4. Oh heather that is super scary! I am glad to hear that it all turned out ok and that she is fine! Have a great week!

    -sheridan Johnson

  5. Oh my. I am so glad to hear that she is doing alright. How scary!

  6. Memories of Matt's first breath holding spell, he was a premie too. Born at 28 weeks, at about age 1 maybe a bit younger he began holding his breath. Would go into a full siezure, I'd call 911 A LOT! Glad you survived and hope that's the last one of these scares for you. Rebecca
    PS. They are all SO cute OMG

  7. Heather, you're just making those babies SO happy they can't contain themselves! Glad to hear little miss Kylee pulled through the laugh attack! Those pictures are TOO precious- it goes without wondering as to why she had everyone tightly wrapped around her finger!!!!!

  8. Here I am playing catch up...what a scary thing! Glad she was ok!


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